Monday, December 12, 2011

What could you do with $18,000 in Union dues?

The problem with Rush's reading of the article below is that only 4 of the 11 schools have teachers who are disbanding their useless Union. Why are the other 7 keeping them?
RUSH: According to the Wisconsin Journal Times, "[T]eachers in four out of eleven schools in Racine County, Wisconsin have decided to disband the unions they paid dues into for years. ... 'In the 30-some years we were part of the (American Federation of Teachers union), we never had to use their services. There were never any grievances that warranted that,' Seitz said, explaining teachers found it unnecessary to keep paying monthly dues of about $50 when they weren’t using union services anyway." So at $50 a month, a 30-year teacher paid 18 grand for services that were never used. So they're disbanding the teachers union in four out of 11 schools in Racine County. Is it Ray-seen or Ruh-seen? Racine County. Oh, that's not one of these isolated, insignificant stories. Teachers unions, unions in general in Wisconsin are big news. Teachers are disbanding one.

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