Thursday, December 22, 2011

Have we claimed to leave behind "a safe and stable Iraq"?

Part of the article in my previous post said this:

The explosions were set "possibly to undercut U.S. claims that they are leaving behind a stable and safe Iraq."

When did we claim to be leaving behind a stable and safe Iraq???

If we'd been leaving behind a "stable and safe Iraq" - we wouldn't have had to slink our troops out under cover of darkness, not even saying goodbye to friends and allies.

Hands up anyone who thought Iraq would not devolve into Civil War once we were gone.

A few days ago, Yahoo news had had a headline and first paragraph on their news page, which unfortunately I didn't copy at the time, but the first paragraph said something along the lines of "the war cost 4,000 American lives and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives." Making it seem like Americans had killed tens of thousands of Iraqis.

Not so. After our war ended nine years ago, the Shiites and the Sunnis started killing each other with these terroristic attacks - we spent all our time trying to get them to act civilized toward each other. And yes...that was a fruitless effort.

Will going back, once the Civil War begins, be a fruitless effort? Probably...but I think of all the helpless women and children being massacred thanks to this "religion of peace," ....

(By the way, while I'm getting in my digs at Islam, that doesn't alleviate Christianity of deserving quotation marks either as a "religion of peace." The Hutus and the Tsutsi in Africa were both of the Christian persuasion, then of course we've got the Protestants and Catholics in Ireland...

I don't think there's any such thing as a "religion of peace."

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