Monday, December 12, 2011

Rush Obfuscates Again...

Rush shared a story today about global warming - women will be "disproportionately" impacted by it.

RUSH: "Women Bear the Brunt of Climate Change." This from the Indian publication The Hindu. "Women, particularly those living in the mountainous regions in developing countries, face disproportionately high risks to their livelihoods and health from global warming, says a U.N. report on Climate Change. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report titled 'Women at the Frontline of Climate Change: Gender Risks and Hopes' says investing in low-carbon and efficient green technologies, water harvesting and fuel wood alternatives can strengthen climate change adaptation and improve women's livelihoods."

So once again women hardest hit by global warming. If we just go green, all the world's problems will disappear, no more bad weather, no more human trafficking. By the way, what is this "women, particularly those living in the mountainous regions of developing countries face disproportionately high risk to their livelihoods." What is their livelihood in the mountainous regions in developing countries? What are they doing there? Well, I don't know, I'm asking, what is a woman's livelihood in a mountainous region in developing countries? And what about global warming will reduce it? You said goat herding, right? Okay. So we fix global warming, a hoax which is not even happening, we fix it, how does that change your average babe's interaction with goats while she's herding them? Do you have to herd them less because with global warming they're not as high on the mountain?

What happens? Nobody knows. That's why this is total BS. And, by the way -- it says here, and folks, this is in the mainstream media. I'm just telling you what's out there today. "Women often play a stronger role than men in the management of ecosystem services and food security. Hence, sustainable adaptation must focus on gender and the role of women if it is to become successful." So apparently what they're doing out there in the mountainous regions is ecosystem services and food security. Somebody want to tell me what that is? Liberals speak an entirely different language. I'm sure the Mr. New Castratis in the audience totally understand this, I'm sure it makes total sense to them. To you and me this is gobbly gook.

Of course, Rush didn't read the entire article which did explain what was meant. (Thee's also a photo on the webpage, of some woman carryng ....something, firewood or ...something...her back bent, holding it up with a strap around her forehead...apparently she's too poor to afford a wheelbarrow...)

Anyway, this is what the article had to say about the fate of women in countries where women are regarded as little better than dogs.
“From 1999-2008, floods affected almost one billion people in Asia, 28 million in the Americas, 22 million in Africa and four million in Europe.”

In parts of Asia and Africa, where the majority of the agricultural workforce are women, such disasters have a major impact on their income, food security and health."

Rush didn't share that paragraph, he skipped that to go to the one below it:
“Women often play a stronger role than men in the management of ecosystem services and food security. Hence, sustainable adaptation must focus on gender and the role of women if it is to become successful,” said U.N. Under Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner.

Food security? Women making sure their families are fed. Guys? They go out with the food money and get drunk, if the wife doesn't secrete it or buy food first before the guy goes off on his bender -- that takes place in the US, too.

And Rush didn't share this paragraph:
The reports also highlights how organised human trafficking, especially that of women, is emerging as a potentially serious risk associated with climate-related disasters; as floods or landslips disrupt social safety nets.

My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday throughout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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