Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rush makes a valid point here, IMHO Andrea Mitchell should be ashamed of herself

RUSH: So there she is, second day in a row, Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, she's over in Tehran. She's interviewing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and she's over there wearing a head scarf. Snerdley had an interesting observation. American women, particularly news women, when they head over there they observe every sexist, bigoted custom in these Islamic countries. And in our country they tell us to go to hell.

Now, Andrea's wearing, not quite a burqa, but a head scarf. I wonder if Ahmadinejad knows that she's Jewish. She knows what Ahmadinejad thinks of her, and yet there she is over there kowtowing. I remember when Mike Wallace -- some of you people may be too young to remember this -- Mike Wallace interviewed the Ayatollah Khomeini on 60 Minutes, he kept saying, "imam, imam," the way we address Obama now, imam. "Imam," and then he'd ask him the question, as deferential as you could be. Then he'd come back, do a press conference here with Ronaldus Magnus or Jimmy Carter, hey, you stupid jerk, and then ask the question.

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