Wednesday, September 22, 2010

President Obama's lack of knowledge of American history

Here's an interesting quote from President Obama, made to the Hispanic caucus a few days ago.
OBAMA: Long before America was even an idea, this land of plenty was home to many peoples, to British and French, to Dutch and Spanish, to Mexican -- (cheers and applause) -- to countless Indian tribes. We all shared the same land. We didn't always get along.

Now this is certainly odd phraseology. Perhaps it's just because I'm a believer in chronology, but he surely should have mentioned the Native Americans first, sice they were the first ones here.

The Spanish started out in what would become Central America and Mexico, and let's not forget that they are the ones who destroyed the Aztecs and the Incas, not the British, who settled in North America and drove out the French. (What is this "getting along" stuff - the French and English never got along. And the British were always more friendly toward the Indians than the "Americans" were.]

There is also no "sharing the same land." Just as the majority of Native Americans lived by warfare - the Aztecs had enslaved hundreds of other tribes, which is how Cortez and his 57 other conquistadors defeated the Aztecs - with the help of those Indians. Little did they know that they were just exchanging one slave master for another. [Although the Aztecs presumably never told their slaves, "We're doing this to save your souls," as the Christian Spanish did, but that's a rant on religion for another time.]

The thing is, yes, as with every other country on the planet, what was to become the United States was a hotbed of strife as people of different races fought for its control. [I don't think the Dutch actually fought, they were just subsumed. The Russians were evicted from Alaska...]

Obama's quote is just too skewed to make any sense.

Here's what Rush had to say about it:
RUSH: Now, this is not just a throw-away line. This, ladies and gentlemen, is not simply Obama trying to reach out and touch the Hispanic caucus. People who look at this country that way do not like this country. They look at this country as an oppressor. They look at the creation, the founding of this country as immoral and unjust. Dinesh D'Souza has a book out, a cover story in Forbes magazine, that what really motivates Obama is his father, and his father hated colonialist America, hated colonialist Great Britain and had a profound influence on Obama and Obama's anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist and looks at the United States as colonialist. I think it's very consistent with the way I've analyzed this guy from the get-go. Whatever, he's got a grudge against this country. It's immoral and unjust. I don't care whether he's been taught that at Harvard, taught that in Alinsky classes in Chicago from Reverend Wright or from his dad or from this guy Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii. Whoever had access to Obama has planted in him the notion this country's unjust, unfair, whether it's colonialist or oppressive or what have you.

So here he is making a speech to some Hispanics, and what does he say? "Long before America was even an idea." Translation: Back in the good old days. Back in the good old days before there even was an America, "this land of plenty was home to many peoples." Translation: Who have been wiped out and destroyed by evil oppressors, from Custer to the Founding Fathers. The British and French were here, and it would have been a lot better if they were still here. The Dutch and the Spanish were here, and it would be a lot better if they were still here. The Mexicans were here before America -- "Yay!" And big cheers come up. And unstated here: this place would be a lot better off if the British, the French, the Dutch, the Spanish, and the Mexicans had not been run outta here. And of course he has to give grudging acceptance and knowledge to the Indians tribes who of course were at one with this land of plenty in a nature sense. "We all shared the same land. We didn't always get along." We used to share it, everything was copacetic, everything was fine and dandy and then the white European settlers arrived and hello environmentalist -- this is right out of the multicultural curricula. The white Europeans arrived, we got syphilis; we got horses; we got environmental destruction; we got racism; we got sexism; we got homophobia. Prior to all those people showing up, this was a dreamland. People who look at this continent that way, as Obama did, look at it the way I just analyzed for you. Don't doubt me. Don't even allow yourself a shred of doubt. There is none.

Did you ever hear Ronald Reagan make a speech like that? Did you ever hear George Washington make a speech like that? Even Jimma Carter, did you ever hear Jimmy Carter make a speech like this? Did you ever hear the Kennedys make a speech like this? Did you ever hear Mario Cuomo make a speech like this? But you have heard this on television. You've heard it in movies and books; you've heard it from the entertainment left; you've heard it from the multicultural curriculum; you know your kids were taught this, and so was Obama. This is how he views this land of plenty. (imitating Obama) "There were a lot of people here before we even had the idea of conquering this place, and they were just fine. They didn't always get along, but they shared it. The Mexicans shared it with the Spaniards and the French and the British, and of course the Indians. And then the white Europeans showed up, and it all went to hell. And I'm Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm, and we are here to roll it back to the good old days," and that's what's happening.

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