Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Women As Eye Candy - Harry Reid

Rush commented on the Ines Saint story (she wasn't offended by the Jets' players juvenile reaction to her), but I'll be discussing that in one of my other blogs, Devolution Media.

However, this is a similar story, only it comes from the world of politics, where women expect a lot more respect than Ines Saint does.
Story #3: Dingy Harry: Kirsten Gillibrand is the Hottest Senator

RUSH: It's just fascinating. Wherever the media is you're going to find a left-wing cultural existence, bias, no matter if it's sports, entertainment, so-called hard news or what have you. And then on the other side of this, Dingy Harry, they're at a fundraiser in New York, they shut down the Senate so Dingy Harry can take some senators to a very expensive fundraiser in New York, and he's going through the roster of senators that are with them, and one of them is Kirsten Gillibrand from New York. It comes time for him to tell the audience what she's thought of by her male colleagues, and Dingy Harry says, (paraphrasing) "Well, she's the hot member, she's the hottest member." Now, Chris Coons, this true wacko in Delaware, was his pet. He couldn't wait for Mike Castle to get to the Senate to join him in cap and trade, and now he says that Kirsten Gillibrand is the hot member of the US Senate. Now, this is from a liberal Democrat, supposedly tolerant, understanding, never would say anything insensitive or offensive, and he's just taken a United States senator and reduced her to a sex symbol, essentially. She was embarrassed. She didn't say anything. She was embarrassed by it.

Now, if I recall correclty, Gillibrand also said she was not embarrassed by Reid's remark, but really she should have been furious. This was not something that was just officious, like that one Senator who wanted the Army General to call her "Senator" instead of "Ma'am," this was a senator implying something sexual about another senator. (You can call someone beautiful, or attractive, but if you refer to them as "hot" - there's a sexual component there.)

In any event, Harry Reid had no business making such a comment about a female senator. Gillibrand should have said so. But of course if she'd rocekd the's one thing to chastise Army guys who are dependent on you, it's another to take issue with your senior colleague - who can affect your career.

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