Monday, September 20, 2010

This is kind of funny: Colin Powell on illegal immigrants

Rush talked about Colin Powell today, and his interview on Meet The Press yesterday.

This is what Powell said:
POWELL: The American people want their borders to be protected. There's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with making sure that people come across our borders, particularly our southern border, in a legal, safe manner. But at the same time we have millions and millions of illegal immigrants in our country, undocumented individuals, who are working, who are doing things we need done in this country. They're all over my house doing things whenever I call for repairs. I'm sure you've seen them at your house.

Now, Rush didn't pick up on this, but a caller did. Here's what the caller said:
CALLER: Okay, back to former secretary of state General Colin Powell --

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: -- and his lecture yesterday on the mainstream media. How did he know exactly, how did he know that he's had and has been having so many illegal aliens working on his house? Either he checked the documentation of these people and hired them anyway, which means he broke the law, or he just assumed based on their skin tone and their accent, which means he's guilty of racial and ethnic profiling. Either way he needs to be held accountable. This is his Macaca moment. His opinions aren't suitable for an airport security check if he's profiling, let alone national TV.

RUSH: Well, I must say it's an interesting question. Nobody asked General Powell, "How do you know that everybody working in your house is illegal?" You know, General Powell is one of these people in Washington you don't assail, you don't challenge. When he says it, it is, I mean if you're an inside the Beltway media person.

And what the caller had to say is true. This is what illegal immigration has done to the legal immigrants of this country, the ones who deserve respect. There are so many illegals here, and they work in just a few professions - groundscrew, construction - people just automatically assume that anyone Latino or Hispanic on a construction crew or lawn moving job is an illegal. After all, why else would everyone on the crew (in places other than Texas, Florida or Arizona) be Latinos ? Why aren't there more whites and African Americans on these crews? Well...because they're working for peanuts. [I live in Virginia, in a housing complex that uses a lawn service - and they are all Hispanic or Latino. zI've lived in this place for 8 years and I've seen white supervisors, but I've never seen a white worker, and only a handful of African Americans in all that time. [Whether or not the Lations are all illegal I of course can't say, but it wouldn't surprise me.]]

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