Friday, September 24, 2010

Las Vegas - At Least Census Officials Can Go There

I've got another blog, which I call Stupid is as Stupid Does. This post would fit right in there.

Here's a bunch of Census Bureau administrators - people being paid by the tax payer, and they have no problem going to Las Vegas for a forum on "Lessons Learned." (How long has the census been going on? Every 4 years for 200+ years. How can there still be lessons to be learned about the logistics of how to conduct a census????)
From Rush
Story #2: American Spectator: Census Party Time in Las Vegas

RUSH: From the American Spectator blog: "The CBS affiliate in Denver reports that the Census Bureau paid about $100,000 in airfare, meals and hotel for 140 of its administrators in the West to gather at a Las Vegas luxury hotel to confer on 'lessons learned.'" Las Vegas. The president of the United States has told the American people the days of getting in your corporate jet and heading to Las Vegas and having a fun weekend are over. Unemployment in Las Vegas, Nevada, 14.4% and rising. Las Vegas has been really, really hurt by the economic downturn in a number of ways. The leisure time dollar simply doesn't go as far as it used to in an economic downturn like this. Steve Wynn of Wynn Resorts, and a number of other high profile officials in Vegas in the hospitality business nationwide, blame Obama for discouraging people, going to Vegas and other resorts. And yet here's the Census Bureau showing up, paying about a hundred thousand dollars in airfare, meals, and hotels.

Now, see, this is the difference. That's the ruling class. That's the government. They're permitted. They can go to Vegas, on your dime. They can go to Las Vegas spending a hundred thousand dollars of taxpayer money -- that, by the way, we don't have. We're in debt. And, by the way, they were to "confer on 'lessons learned.'" The Census Bureau gathered at a Las Vegas luxury hotel to "confer on 'lessons learned.'" Lessons learned about what? It doesn't say. "Rep. Mike Coffman, a Colorado Republican, saw it differently: '"It's impossible to argue this without saying these folks took a vacation and they took it at taxpayer expense. ...' CBS4 has learned the Las Vegas meeting was actually one of a dozen that involved flying census managers into central locations and putting them up at hotels. The Census Bureau has 12 regional offices in Atlanta, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Kansas City, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia and Seattle. The Census Bureau held similar "lessons learned" debriefing sessions in each region.'" Oh, I got it. These are lessons learned at the recent census. What did we learn? I get it.

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