Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bob the Cherokee

Rush had a caller today, a man called Bob who claimed to be part of the Cherokee mation, and told Rush to go back where he came from.

And that is part of the radical American Indian belief, they've been "fighting terrorism since 1492" when Columbus landed and the invasion of the Caucasian began.

And Rush never answered Bob directly, nor do I think he has ever answered the question directly.

He'll point out that native Americans did not live in peace before the white man came - Aztecs had slaves in what is now Mexico, had human sacrfices, etc., and most of the native American tribes in what is now the US hated each other.

But that doens't change the fact that our ancestors - any caucasian folks who had ancestors who came here before the 1800s (I don't think my great grandfather showed up here until the 1900s, in Germany) did take the Indian's land by right of conquest.

So basically, the Spaniards and the British and the French and what were to become Americans were only carrying on a tradition of conquest - that every race has done, regardless of country.

Now, the Federal government didn't play fair with the Indians, lots of treaties were broken - but reparations have been paid and its too damn late for them to go back to their old way of life which doesn't exist any more!

Time to get over it, just as African Americans need to get over it, just as caucasian women had to get over it (it wasn't until the 1960s that women could get decent jobs, etc, prior to that time millions of them were stifled and even destroyed because of the repressive attitude of the patriarchal establishment - but even with all that we still had it better than women in the Middle East!

Native Americans couldn't protect their borders, which is why they lost their land. We need to learn that lesson and protect our borders before we lose our land.

And if white folks return to the land of their ancestors...does Bob or any native American think the Chinese aren't going to move right in?

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