Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The US - 200 Years From Now...

It took Europe 6000 or so years before they were united in a single body as the European Economic Union or EEU. Now the US is being drawn into the net.

Elaina Kagan, during her confirmation hearings, was asked if she would draw on decisions made in other countries in order to make decisions on US cases, and her answer, shorn of the obfuscation that seemingly all academics and politicians like to use, was "yes."

And, of course, President Obama has now joined the UN's Council on Human Rights and agreed that the US, the bastion of freedom and civilization in the world, is violating human rights. Oh, yes, there are isolated incidents, which, because of our tremendous population, does add up to quite a few people - who are victims of police ineptitude or desire to close cases by grabbing the nearest convenient guy or gal whom its easy to convict - but overall it is the US that is the bastion of freedom in this country. Our laws say that everyone is to be treated fairly, it is only human frailty that dictates otherwise in certain cases.

But what is coming for us? First it will be a pan-North American and Central American government. Even now we're not allowed to protect our sovereignty from Mexico, and the Mexican government actually sued a United States state, Arizona, because of its anti-ILLEGAL immigration policy, and was joined in by the President. Is there any doubt that open borders will be our future fifty years from now?

Isaac Asimov, a Democrat as well as a science fiction author and science fact prosletyzer, predicted years ago that the only "sensible" government for the planet was a one-world government, and we're certainly headed in that direction.

Will US politicians be at the top of the heap of this one world government, though, or will it be the folks from the European Union... or will it be those from the new economic engine of the world, China, and the growing religious powerhouse, Islam?

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