Sunday, September 12, 2010

Terry Jones: Bigot or Publicity Seeker

"Bigot" seems to be the new all-dismissive word these days.

What's the difference between a racist and a bigot? A bigot apparently is just against someone's religion, whereas a racist is against a person's race.

So, all the news about Terry Jones is dismissing him as a Bigot. Oh, he needs to be dismissed alright, not as a bigot but as someone just looking to get a little publicity. If you want to make a statement on 9/11, burn the Korans and then tell people about it, not the other way around.

I just checked a website called "The Day With President Barack Obama". It provides his daily schedule (culled from his official website, as is the schedule I provide here), and videos of his speeches, etc. (which are also on YouTube, I believe).

One of the headlines is "How a bigot rocked the world" and is about how Terry Jones threat to burn the Koran caused violence all over the world.

And no one - on the Liberal side - looks at that and thinks - Jeez, Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace and yet one man - one man - who threatens to burn a Koran can cause a war? That's like those idiots in Europe who go to war over the score of a soccer match.

Sure...the initial cause is Jones threatening to burn Korans - and if you explain to these Muslims over in Afghanistan and Pakistan that when they burn Bibles, nobody goes ballistic, so what right do they have to go ballistic - they dont' get it.

It's not Jones' fault that he caused a furor - blame that on the Islam religion. How can anyone look at what has been going on in Afghanistan and Pakistan in the past few weeks and not be legitimately - not phobically - afraid of the Islam religion?

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