Monday, September 20, 2010

20 Sep 2010, Monday. Selected Limbaugh quotes from the day

"Seances" in the White House
And of course Obama even got that wrong, he ripped Nancy Reagan for having seances, it was Hillary that had seances. You know, back when everybody learned that Bill was cattin' around, we heard that Hillary had talks with Eleanor Roosevelt, channeling Eleanor Roosevelt in the White House, seeking guidance because everybody knew what FDR was doing, wheelchair-bound or not, so she was seeking common ground, solidarity, or what have you.

According to: Obama Gaff, Apologizes to Nancy Reagan for 'Seance' Comment, published on Nov 7, 2008:
Nancy Reagan consulted an astrologer to help set her husband's schedule, wrote former White House chief of staff Donald T. Regan. The revelation created a furor and President Reagan even broke with his policy of not commenting on books by former White House staffers.

"No policy or decision in my mind has ever been influenced by astrology," Reagan said.

In his book "The Choice," Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward described how Clinton consulted with a spiritual adviser who led her through imaginary conversations with her personal hero, Eleanor Roosevelt. Newsweek magazine, which was promoting the book, characterized the visits as "seances," a term that White House officials quickly tried to squelch.

"These were people who were helping her laugh, helping her think," said Neel Lattimore, Clinton's spokeswoman. "These were not seances."

Double Standard
CALLER: Rush, I hope every voting woman in Delaware is listening to your show today, and I hope every woman who votes in Delaware is taking note of the double, triple, and even quadruple standards that are being applied to female candidates rather than male candidates, and that includes Republican voters, independent women, and Democratic women in the state of Delaware.

RUSH: I agree with you wholeheartedly.

CALLER: Now, I would list the Democrat men who have been involved in scandals and who have not suffered much damage or no damage at all, but it's only a three-hour show. So let me stick with the short list, okay?

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: You've got Scott Brown who posed nude in Cosmo, right?

RUSH: Right. Resume enhancement for him, though.

CALLER: He's not unfit for the Senate. And then you've got David Vitter. Now, how many women could cheat on their husbands by patronizing a male hooker and get elected or keep their seat? Can you tell me how many?

RUSH: I don't have time to count them all.

CALLER: (laughing) The answer is zero. Okay?

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: There are no women that could do these kinds of things and still remain fit for office in the public eye. And I understand why men like these double standards and different standards, but for the life of me I can't understand why women accept it and put up with it and tolerate it.

Obama mis-quoting the Declaration of Indepence, when speaking to Hispanic Caucus
OBAMA: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights, life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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