Monday, February 27, 2012

We *Should* Be Able to Trust the Government - but it's always been incompetent

Rush got in a zing at Danica Patrick in his show today - "what do you expect from a woman driver." What a male chauvanist pig. (He got in another zing at Hilary Clinton and audio of her voice, a little bit shrill, saying that it wasn't unpatriotic to disagree with the current administration (i.e., Bush) and he says, that's why the divorce rate in this country is increasing. Well, he should know, he's been married 3 times.

Anyway, I have to admit I don't care for Danica Patrick. I was happy to see a female racing car driver - although she is not the only one, there aren't very many - but her titillating commercials for GoDaddy were - and our - just disgusting. Trading on her sex, just what a woman needs to do to gain respect in a male dominated field.

Danica Patrick: Trust Government to Do What's Right
RUSH: Danica Patrick was talking to a reporterette, Michelle Fields. I guess it was Daytona, somewhere there was a NASCAR event, and Danica Patrick said, "I leave it up for the government to make good decisions for Americans." Now, this was about the recent mandate of the Catholic Church providing contraceptive devices and so forth. Danica Patrick was talking about Obama's contraception ruling. She was not speaking in general, although it applies generally. She said, "I leave it up to the government to make good decisions for America." She was talking about Obama mandating that the Catholic Church provide contraception. (sigh) What do you expect from a woman driver? I don't know why everybody is so shocked. But I'm gonna tell you: Her answer sums up the Democrat mind-set perfectly. Democrats want to convince us that personal responsibility is something the government ought to do for us. Do they not? Man, she's the perfect puppet! She is the ideal perfect puppet with that answer.

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