Thursday, February 23, 2012

Do NOT Turn off Lamestream Media

Rush suggested today that people would be happier if they would stop watching the "mainstraem media" news shows. He's suggested this in the past as well, and frankly, I think it's a big mistake.

yes, it's depressing to read the news online or watch the news - all the kids (born kids) murdered by their parents or their mom's boyfriend or what have you), trusted employees embezzling money, etc. etc. The bad news never ends and it is depressing, yes.

But you also see the media praising Obama and Obama's cabinet.

If all you ever do is listen to Rush, you might think all is well with the world. People see Obama's faux pas, and no one will vote for him, and we'll have a Republican in the White House in 2013.

But if you watch the certainly don't get that feeling. The "soak the rich" and "welfare recipients deserve it" mantras are too ingrained...and getting even more ingrained every day.

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