Monday, February 13, 2012

Rush's predictions on Obamacare coming true

Only those who pay nothing now will have to pay nothing in the future - and we the middle class will be paying for them, as usual.

Bribed Writer of Obamacare Admits He Was Wrong
RUSH: "Medical insurance premiums in the United States are on the rise, the chief architect of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul has told The Daily Caller. Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist Jonathan Gruber --" listen to this folks. You've heard this before, you've heard it from me, but it's out there now. MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, "who also devised former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s statewide health care reforms, is backtracking on an analysis he provided the White House in support of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, informing officials in three states that the price of insurance premiums will dramatically increase under the reforms. In an email to The Daily Caller, Gruber framed this new reality in terms of the same human self-interest that some conservatives had warned in 2010 would ultimately rule the marketplace.

"Gruber, whom the Obama administration hired to provide an independent analysis of reforms, was widely criticized for failing to disclose the conflict of interest created by $392,600 in no-bid contracts the Department of Health and Human Services awarded him while he was advising the president’s policy advisers. Gruber also received $566,310 during 2008 and 2009 from the National Institutes of Health to conduct a study on the Medicare Part D plan." Let me cut to the chase here. Mr. Gruber, who wrote Romneycare, wrote Obamacare, and is out today saying that everything he believed about premiums going down as a result is wrong.

As I have been trying to pound home for three years, Obamacare will break the back of the middle class and the country financially, and that was part of the plan. The way Obamacare is gonna work is that employers will drop health care coverage. It becomes too expensive. You will not be able to keep your plan or your doctor. Health care will be made so unaffordable in the private sector that it's out of reach for people to pay for. The middle class will have no choice -- and this is not gonna happen overnight, it's gonna take some years, but ultimately, and Obama's even said that, ultimately the middle class will be forced to sign up for government insurance that they would have never considered before. It's either that or go without. Premiums will skyrocket, middle class workers forced to carry the uninsured on their backs. This is all in this story. So now we hear from one of the writers of Obamacare, an economist from MIT, that he got it wrong.

Everything you've heard said on this program is now happening. Everything Gruber has been saying is wrong now by his own admission. It turns out that Gruber, the infallible go-to guy the media quoted exhaustively during the marginal Bamcare debate wasn't an impartial source. He was bribed with $392,000 in no-bid contracts with the Department of Health and Human Services awarded him while he was advising Obama on the so-called Affordable Health Care Act. And he also got half a million dollars during 2008 and 2009 from NIH to conduct a study on Medicare Part D. So while being paid by the federal government he advised them that Obamacare, they could say on his authority, premiums would go down. And now he's out today in the Daily Caller saying, sorry, isn't gonna happen. It's a very, very long story, but it adds up. Everything that we've instinctively known about Obamacare is now being documented to happen by the people who put it together.

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