Monday, February 27, 2012

If UNRWA, why Flotillas

I admit it - I'd never heard of UNRWA before. And I was surprised to hear of them, because if there's this great big organization, funded to the tunes of 10s of millions by Western countries to help Palestinians, why was there a need of flotillas last year bringing them supplies?

Why didn't those folks go through UNRWA?

And of course the question I asked in my earlier post - why are Western countries footing the bill for this? Why don't the Arab countries help the Palestinians with some of that oil money they've got coming out of their ears...not to mention moving htem out of refugee camps and saying, "Hey, just move in with us as immigrants. You'll have a better life here, anyway."

But nope, they're classified as "refugees" and live in utter squalor.

Another thing I want to know is, if Western countries are footing the bill for the education of these people, why don't we have any say in what they're taught? For example, why not teach them all English, and then give them lessons in why their own people have abandoned them, so that their suffering can be used as a political tool.

Or if they must be taught in Arabic or whatever language it is, why not teach them the same thing?

Why are we teaching these people, whom we are supporting! that Israel is evil and that Jews are evil, etc.

(Let's sneak in a few lessons about atheism while we're at it - atheism, the only hope of peace on earth and good will toward all people.)

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