Friday, June 3, 2011

Better Off Dead

Jack Kevorkian, aka Dr. Death, died today, and Rush is happy about it. Now, I never paid much attention to Kevorkian, but my own feeling is, if someone cannot bear to live anymore, that's their own choice. And if they want to die, let them.

I'm not talking about stupid teenagers, thwarted in love, who kill themselves. I'm talking about people with terminal illnesses, whose every waking moment is a mistery. Why "live" like that? The only reason most of them continue to live is because they're afraid that if they take positive steps to end their suffering, "God" will send them to a sizzling hot hell for daring to take matters into their own hands.

Rush says that Kevorkian "took psychologically weak people and convinced them they'd be better off dead." Again, I never paid much attention to Kevorkian so I don't know, but the way I understood it... people sought him out to help them end their suffering. Which they wouldn't have needed to do if states allowed euthanasia - by the person concerned.

I mean, a person in a persistent vegitative state. Why keep that person alive? You would put an animal out of its misery, why not a human being? Or someone who is totally paralyzed, only their mind alive. Can't communicate at all, has to be fed like a baby or through tubes, has to have their waste removed or cleaned for them... what kind of a life is that?

No one else has the right to tell someone how much pain they should have to bear. If they can't bear it, let them seek the peace of the grave.
Now, he died, as you know, in the comfort and the pleasant confines of a hospital, receiving the best of treatment available. He didn't go to the back of a VW bus and have somebody shoot him up with a disease like he was doing with other people.

Jack Kevorkian has assumed room temperature at age 83. The New York Times has an obituary, and they call him "fiercely principled." This is a guy who killed people. This is a guy who took psychologically weak people and convinced them they'd be better off dead.

My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday throughout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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