Friday, June 24, 2011

Herman Cain Going Through the Fire Now

Democratic media, such as Jon Stewart, et al, are in full mocking mode for Herman Cain now. (I actually heard the Jon Stewart bit on the Glenn Beck program today. They accused him of using an Amos & Andy voice to mock Cain, but really, that's stretching. Stewart's voice was no more racist than the one Rush uses to mock Obama.)

However, the mock machine is certainly out in full force.

Here's what Rush had to say about it.
RUSH: Folks, I don't want to mention any names out there 'cause I frankly don't particularly like the names I would have to mention. They're already making fun of Herman Cain and the way he talks on television. They're already doing that. Now, they never did that with the Bamster, as you know. It was just the exact opposite. Obama, oh, my God, look at the crease of his slacks. Oh, my God, what a smart guy. David Brooks said he was destined not just to be president, he was gonna be a great one because of the crease in his slacks. And we're supposed to rely on that, conservative columnist for the New York Times. That's the criteria which we are supposed to accept Obama being qualified. "Smart guy, very serious candidate, Rush, very, very serious, a man of incredible depth, you can hear it. He's incredibly nuanced. He's elegant in the way he speaks, very, very eloquent and elegant."

I remember the commentators were marveling at the way Obama spoke and put syllables together. I can just tell you they're out there making fun of the way Herman Cain talks, just like they make fun of everything else about Palin. They make fun of everything about Palin. They make fun of Romney about being a Mormon and being a cookie cutter Ken doll. I don't know what they're making fun of Pawlenty for but they're making fun of Pawlenty, but they're not making fun of Obama. Herman Cain, if I had to say, Herman probably represents everything the news media says does not exist. Herman Cain is articulate; he is very highly successful; he is a conservative Republican who is black; and that is what they tell you doesn't exist, and that is a primary problem that Herman Cain has.

You identify yourself as a black conservative and you may as well be admitting that you're a whore or a prostitute, an Uncle Tom, you've been bought off, whatever, you aren't real. It's not possible for a black person to be conservative. The way the media and the left look at this country, a black person who is conservative is a black person who would agree with the whole notion of slavery and would wanna be a slave owner. That's how bad it is that is how devoid and distanced from reality that they are. But I mean the media will not even admit that somebody like Herman Cain can exist. Look what they do to black Americans who identify themselves as conservatives.

Now, if you want to talk genuine intelligence, if you want to talk real depth of education, Shelby Steele, writer, professor, economics, stuff appears in the Wall Street Journal. Thomas Sowell, a brilliant economist, philosopher, an incredibly deep individual. Our sometimes guest host, Walter Williams, ditto. These people don't exist. They are black conservatives. They are traitors. They don't deserve any legitimacy at all as far as the media is concerned, as far as the left is concerned. They don't even deserve respect. Legitimacy of any kind. And, of course, it's the height of unfairness. That's what it is. And that's one of the hard, cold realities of politics. It is what it is, and you have to deal with what it is day in and day out.

Politics is the epitome, just like meritocracy in sports, it's the epitome of there's no such thing as fair. And a lot of people think that life is not fair and that the attempt to make it fair, thus the attempt to legislate outcomes, is destructive and devoid of any reality, because it cannot be done. Genuine fairness has been defined by these people as everybody is the same, everybody finishes the same. Everybody gets up, if they survive the abortion. They go to work. They get a job, and they all earn the same amount of money. They all live in the same kind of house. They all pollute just as little or as much as their neighbors. They all have the same kinds of cars. They all have the same kind of kids, who all go to the same kind of college.

That's the utopia. Everybody's the same. And to make that happen we're gonna take away money from people who don't conform, people who have too much, whose car is too big, whose houses are too big, "Don't worry about it. We'll take what they've got and we'll give it to you and we'll make everybody the same." Flies in the face of what everybody left, right, independent, Libertarian, everybody in politics knows there is no such thing as fairness. Not only is there no fairness in politics, there really isn't any fairness in life, when you get down to brass tacks.

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*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
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*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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