Thursday, May 5, 2011

If 47% of a City Can't Read, Whose Fault is It?

I'd say it was the fault of the individuals concerned, who have their TV sets and their welfare, and have no desire to improve their lot.

(And no, it's not entirely their fault. If the government hadn't set up things so generation after generation of people could be on welfare, these folks would be up and doing things for themselves, here in the 2100s... just imagine how education was valued back in the days when blacks weren't allowed to be for the last 40 years they're allowed to be educated and that education is free, either at schools or at libraries...why, no one is interested. They don't need to be educated, they've got welfare.
RUSH: A story yesterday that you just don't believe and it just rips your heart out and then makes you mad. "According to a new report, 47 percent of Detroiters are 'functionally illiterate.'" You think this is progress? Snerdley is saying, "Hey, that's progress. Don't put it down." "The alarming new statistics were released by the Detroit Regional Workforce Fund on Wednesday. ... 'Not able to fill out basic forms, for getting a job -- those types of basic everyday (things). Reading a prescription; what’s on the bottle, how many you should take… just your basic everyday tasks,'" 47% of the city can't do. "I don’t really know how they get by, but they do. Are they getting by well? Well, that’s another question," said the Fund's director, Karen Tyler-Ruiz, who explained what it means when you can't read. Did you know what it means when you couldn't read? I wouldn't have known if it weren't for Karen Tyler-Ruiz explaining it.

Now, I have a solution. We here at the EIB Network, we have a solution. And, by the way, don't forget, Detroit just closed half of its schools 'cause they couldn't make a better deal with the teachers union.

Having said that, the article in question doesn't explain how they know that 47% of Detroiters can't read. Is it like polls, where they extrapolate what 1000 people say into a percentage for the entire city?

They also don't break it down by ethnicity - white, black, Hispanic. It would be interesting to know the statistics for each. Also according to this article, "For other major urban areas, we are a little bit on the high side.. We compare, slightly higher, to Washington DCs' urban population (now, that's sad..the nation's capital and a little bit less than half of them can't read, either), .... and in Cleveland."

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