Monday, May 23, 2011

Rush Criticized For Siding With Israel Against US

Israel is an interesting case - it seems that the only friend that they have in the world is the US. The "international community" deplores their behavior toward Palestine.

Frankly I dont' really know what to think. As an atheist of course I don't believe that God promised the Jews that Israel would be their homeland - since there is no God that couldn't have happened. Then there's the irony of the Jews "taking back their land" after 2,000 years or whatever, and being supported for it, but we (i.e., the US, will not give back land taken by military conquest from the Native Americans or the Mexicans. (Although apparently the Mexican group "La Raza" is pressuring us to do just that...and California and Arizona seem to be being absorbed by osmosis into Mexico with the full cooperation of the political class.)

According to Rush, the only reason why the "Palestinians" (who didn't exist until they flooded into the area after Jews declared they wanted it for their state) are trapped in Palestine is that the rest of the Arab countries won't take them in - it's more advantageous to them that the Palestinians look like they're under the thumb of the Israelis...

Anyway, here's what Rush had to say today:
RUSH: Arlington, Virginia. This is Joe. Joe, glad you called. Thank you for waiting, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Joe... I'm sorry. Rush, I wasn't sure if you were gonna take the call because I know it hasn't come up yet but thank you. I just wanted to call and kind of castigate you. I can't believe you were CACKLING at the Bibi Netanyahu comments last week. That country wouldn't exist if it weren't for this country. We send them billions of dollars every year. We can't afford unemployment insurance for people in this country but we're gonna send Israel billion dollars of dollars and this guy comes over to this the country and...? I mean what an ingrate, and here you are CACKLING about what this guy is saying. I mean, seriously, you're like the right-wing Hanoi Jane!

RUSH: Hanoi Jane? I, El Rushbo, came off as Hanoi Jane?

CALLER: Are you a patriot? Do you support this country or do you support Israel? I mean --

RUSH: Damn right I do -- and I support Israel, and I do not appreciate a president of the United States selling Israel out. I do not appreciate a president of the United States who is actually ill-informed, uninformed, a theoretician, putting into practice some stupid theories he's talked about with professors in the faculty lounge that have no basis in reality whatsoever. I am offended by the fact that we have a president that hasn't the slightest idea what he's doing, on the international stage or domestic. I am fed up. I am frustrated as hell that we got a president who systematically destroying job creation. You talk about unemployment? Don't blame Netanyahu. Blame Barack Obama! There's your source for unemployment. We're not just spending money in Israel. We're spending money in Egypt, which is falling apart. We're giving money to Iran, which is falling apart. We're giving money to all these places around the world, getting nothing for it. What do you got against Israel?

CALLER: I got nothing against Israel. I got something against people coming to this country, ungrateful, and condemning this country, s-s-s-saying -- on our soil and then you supporting that condemnation. Politics is supposed to stop at the water's edge. When a guy comes over here... I -- I don't know, it was just wrong to me, Rush. I don't get the CACKLING. Not at all.

RUSH: Cackling? I was cackling. I was ecstatically happy, because finally somebody stood up to Obama. Let me ask you, speak about politics ending at the water's edge: Were you upset at all of the efforts the Democrats made from 2004 to 2008 to secure defeat in Iraq, and have you ever heard Netanyahu condemn this country?

CALLER: (pause) It's exactly what he was doing.

RUSH: Netanyahu did not condemn this country. He was standing up for his.

Another caller, to whom Rush gave an Ipod, pointed out to Rush that that was the difference between Netanyahu and Obama. Obama goes around the world critiizing his country, whereas Netanyahu defends his.

In the interests of Order and Method: My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday througout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties

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