Leadership and Crisis, by Bobby Jindal, with Peter Schweizer and Curt Anderson
Regnery Publishing, 2010
283 pages plus AAcknowledgments, Notes, Index, 8 pages of color photos
Library: 976.3064 JIN
Bobby Jindal has been tested as few politicians have. And from the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster to Hurricane Katrina, he's shown an astounding ability to beat the odds (and beat the bureaucrats) to get thing done.
Then again, Jindal is not your typical politician. The son of Indian immigrants, a Christian convert from Hinduism, and a Rhodes Scholar, Jindal presided over Louisiana's healthcare system at age 24, headed the University of Louisiana system at 27, became a US Congressman at 33, and was elected governor of Louisiana at 36.
Throughout his meteoric career, Jindal has dealt with some of the worst crises of our times, from natural disasters in his home state to out-of-control spending in Washington, DC. His secret: the common sense solutions that bureaucrats (and politicians) ignore in favor of government-as-usual.
In Leadership and Crisis, Jindal reveals:
-How the Obama administration spent too much time worrying about public perception and not enough time actually fighting the oil
-How the federal government actually impeded Louisiana's efforts to stem the flood of oil
-Why the bureaucratic incompetence during Hurricane Katrina was even worse than you know
-How Bobby Jindal took on Louisiana's infamous culture of corruption
-His own journey from Hinduism to Christianity, from student at Oxford to Governor of Louisiana, from policy wonk to instant midwife when he had to deliver his third child himself.
Filled with behind-the-scenes stories from the oil-slicked beaches of Louisiana to the corridors of power in the US capitol, Leadership and Crisis offers an insider's view into one of the worst environmental disasters our nation hassuffered-and into one of the most unique success stories in American politics.
Table of Contents
1. Disaster in the Gulf
2. Who Dat?
3. Yellow Pages
4. To Educate a Child
5. First-Time Candidate
6. Cesspool or Hot Tub?
7. In the Eye of the Sorm
8. Converts and Immigrants
9. The Most Boring Governor in Louisiana's History
10. Do We REally Want to Be Like Europe?
11. Real Change for Healthcare
12. Propelling America Forward
13. Of Life and Logic
14. Saving Medicaire
15. Freedom isn't Free
16. It's the Culture, Stupid
Conclusion: Now what?
In the interests of Order and Method: My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday througout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.
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