Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Hardened felons or drug addicts?

46,000 prisoners are going to be released from California jails soon. Rush says they are "hardened criminals" - but surely the only ones released will be those who participated in victimless crimes - the drug users. I think most African American youth go to jail for drug abuse rather than anything else.

Unfortunately, once in jail, any innocence they might have, any humanity, is beaten out of them by the rest of the prison population, such that by the time they do come out of jail, they may well be hardened criminals. [And of course, that goes for any other race, creed or color of folk sent to jail, not just blacks...however statistics show that lots of black youth go to jail these days because it's considered a "right of passage.")

There's an old saying, "Keep doing the same old thing, get the same result." One really does have to wonder if that applies to our prison system. Ex-cons shouldn't come out as hardened criminals, they should come out as educated people who can take their places in a civilized society, ready and able to work and live like human beings.

Indeed, it's too bad instead of spending their time making license plates or whatever it is they do, they don't attend high school classes or something, and vocational work...

Anyway, here's what Rush had to say on the subject:
Story #5: Supreme Court Orders California Prisoner Release

RUSH: This is unbelievable, this next story. The Supreme Court ordered California yesterday to release, it could be as many as 46,000 prisoners, to relieve overcrowding, saying that "needless suffering and death have resulted from putting too many inmates into facilities that cannot hold them in decent conditions." Of course, releasing tens of thousands of hardened criminals into the population will not result in less needless suffering and death. It's going to increase needless suffering and death outside the prison walls, because they've got strict gun control laws in California. And, of course, the law-abiding will not have guns.

These jerks getting out of jail, it's the first thing they're gonna do is go get gun. They'll have no problem. And you know what? Ex-felons can vote in California as long as they're not currently incarcerated. Of course that's just a coincidence here. A 5-4 vote, United States Supreme Court. "Antonin Scalia called the ruling 'absurd' and 'staggering.'" He left out dangerous. "He said the high court had repeatedly overruled the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals for ordering the release of individual prisoners. Now, he said, the majority were ordering the release of '46,000 happy-go-lucky felons.' He added that 'terrible things are sure to happen as a consequence of this outrageous order.' Justice Clarence Thomas agreed with him." California is gonna become a prison yard, 46,000, because overcrowding has caused needless suffering and death.

Hey, could we send some of these California prisoners to Club Gitmo? We're not shutting that place down. (interruption) Alcatraz? Nah, it's a nostalgic thing. It's not a suitable facility. It's too big of a tourist destination anyway.

In the interests of Order and Method: My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday througout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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