Monday, May 23, 2011

President Obama Visits His Irish Roots

President Obama's great grandfather on his mother's side apparently came from Ireland.

So the President visited his grandfather's home town while he was in Ireland. I don't know that I blame him for that... but I think he spent only an hour there...

There's also a story that Obama's armored limousine was caught between two barriers as it tried to leave the American embassy... I don't really see how that can be blamed on incompetence on Obama's part!
RUSH: Listen to this. I love when we have outrageous humor to help kick off the program. This is a montage of State-Controlled Media discussing Obama and his arrival in Ireland.

ROMANS: President Obama is getting back to his roots.

PLANTE: Mr. Obama's Irish roots.

KEILAR: The President traces his Irish roots back here.

MCSHANE: He plans to celebrate his own Irish roots.

BERRY: President Obama's expected to explore his family's Irish roots.

VIEIRA: The first stop, Ireland, where he explore his ancestral roots.

O'DONNELL: The Irish eyes are smiling today. The people here are overjoyed that Obama has Irish roots and that he's gonna visit his ancestral home.

In the interests of Order and Method: My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday througout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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