Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Twitter is a Joke

I was relieved to learn today that Rush is not on Twitter - of all the stupid things people get involved in today, Twitter has to be one of the stupidest.
RUSH: Are you familiar with this Anthony Weiner business that's out? I've had one e-mail on this today, and the e-mail said, "Go ahead! Go ahead and talk about it," and I, frankly... (sigh) I had to look into this. I was not aware. I don't tweet or twit, whatever, and I don't read Twitters, unless I can't help it, unless somebody reports one in the context of something else that I'm reading. So I had to really dig deep to find out what this thing is all about, and the first thing I had to ask myself is... I guess they're calling it Weinergate -- "Is Weinergate really big enough to investigate?" The Weinergate story, to me, seems like it's hard to swallow. There are just too many coincidences here. I guess what the guy did is he's tweeting with some babe in see that, right?

Or twitting with some babe? He's twitting with some babe in Seattle, and he supposedly sends a picture of his bulging package in his underwear and he claims that he was hacked, that it actually isn't him. So I don't know if the picture in question of Congressman Weiner's underwear is an example of stand-up comedy or not. I don't know if it's an attempt to distract people from what's going on, but I guess if anything... (sigh) You can say this does put the twit in Twitter, 'cause it got everybody captivated. I looked at all these people analyzing this and they put it on a timeline and chronology, and it escapes me why this is such a big deal.

I saw the picture and it's not that big a deal even if it's not a hacker. Look, I know, "If it was a Republican doing it," blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, but this guy's already a weird little guy to me anyway; and he just married Hillary's valet or valet, whatever, Huma, Huma Abedin. He married her not long ago. I don't find here referenced in any of these stories. She could just tell us right now whether it's him or not, not that she would. But somebody tell me why it's a big deal? (interruption) Yeah? If it's him it's an ugly thing. Tweeting a picture of bulging package to some babe in Seattle not his wife, if it is indeed him -- and, by the way, I guess it's pretty difficult to believe it isn't him because he's claiming he was hacked and then not hacked immediately.

but the double standard
RUSH: I know all about the story with Chris Lee, the married congressman who sends a picture of himself nude from the waist up. He sends a picture out on the Internet, to the woman that he'd met on the Internet, published online. He's a Republican, and he had to resign; and Weiner has done this and he hasn't had to resign. The thing is, Weiner's face is not shown. Well, they say his face is not in this picture. They say that this is just a picture. Well, I saw the picture. He's wearing briefs, bulging briefs. Only Huma would know, and maybe not even from this picture. So... (interruption) No, a lineup wouldn't work here.

What I always ask myself, when these things come out, is how stupid are these politicians? You're in the public eye... do you really want to have an affair and risk your whole career...or in this case, not even have an affair, just send pictures of yourself to a total stranger...

Do you really think this is not going to come out and ruin your career?

Anyone who does this, Republican or Democrat, should be immediately stripped of office. Not because their morals are suspect, but because they are clearly stupid.


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*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
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