Friday, May 6, 2011

But Rush Just Has To Get in Those Coarse Jokes or, There's Something About Men...

Let's face it...Rush is no prize, physically speaking. He's balding, he's a hundred pounds over weight, he's not that handsome... (though I think he looks better than he did 20 years ago...). But, he's got money.

So you have to ask yourself, who the hell is he to make jokes about Oprah being fat? About Hilary Clinton looking like a dog (presumably).

But that's the way it is with guys. They can be a hundred pounds overweight, two hundred pounds overweight, and they don't care (they still think they're god's gift to women), they feel they can still pass judgment on women. Because of course women are put on this earth as eye candy for men, nothing more, and if they fail in that central task, well, nothing else matters.
RUSH: You know, we do our program here from "sunny South Florida" where there is no state income tax (that's not entirely why we do it here, but we do do it here) and Florida sometimes beats to its own drummer. While all this other stuff is going on -- I mean, there's really earth-shattering stuff: The Bin Laden death, the economy, all these other things -- our legislature here in Florida has just passed laws on baggy pants and bestiality. (interruption) You knew about this, right? (interruption) You didn't know about this? There's a new baggy pants law, and there's a law against bestiality. I don't know about the bestiality part, but I'm wondering if this means that Hillary can't come here. (interruption) Baggy pants? Well, it's these guys, rapper clowns that wear their pants below their underwear and so forth. They wear baggy pants and so forth in the malls and stuff. Apparently it's the equivalent of banning the ugly from the streets in the daytime: It's affecting commerce, and they didn't want people attired that way in public. As for bestiality, I don't know if the Florida law is for it or against it. There are a lot of horses here. They play a lot of polo. (chuckles)

Point being, Hilary Clinton - for all that you may despise her politics, is an attractive women, for all that she's getting on in years. Let's see what Sarah Palin looks like at the same age, eh? (One wonders if she'll resort to plastic surgery or what). To try to say otherwise, as Rush does here... oh please. Talk about her politics all you want, but unless you're handsome and slender, you really don't have the right to go around dissing other people's appearance, Rush.
In the interests of Order and Method: My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday througout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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