Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why Romneycare isn't ObamaTax

RUSH: So the media finally caught up with Romney, and they wanted to ask him, "Are you being influenced by Rush Limbaugh?" It was in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, last Friday. This was after the jobs report came out. A reporter said, "President Obama said in an interview with a newspaper in Ohio that you were effectively abandoning the principle in the form of the individual mandate that you supported in Massachusetts when you were a governor because a criticism from the right, from Rush Limbaugh, from other conservative voices in the Republican Party. What do you say to that?"

ROMNEY: I've spoken about health care from the day we passed it in Massachusetts. And people said, "Is this something that you'd apply at the federal level?" and I said, "No." I said, "The right course for the federal government is to allow states to create their own plans." And, by the way, the proof is that I was right, because Obamacare is costing jobs in America. When three-quarters of small businesses say that they're less likely to hire people because of Obamacare, you know the president has put his liberal agenda -- Obamacare -- ahead of the interest of creating jobs. And for me, job one for the president has to be creating good jobs for middle-income Americans, and that's what I'm gonna do.

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