Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Criminal Minds - The Thirteenth Step

Ever since the murders in Aurora, the discussion has been about gun control - but also about violent movies. For example, did this psycho have an affinity to the Dark Knight, or the Matrix, etc.

Well, I'm watching Criminal Minds, a show I've never really liked, but which I've watched on occasion when I'm ready for something new and I've seen the Law and Orders and the CSI episodes many times...

The one on tonight is called "THe Thirteenth Step" and is about a male and female serial killer.

And the way they're showing this... slow motion footage of the people being killed. some of them shown twice. The man and woman engaging in sex and slo mo looks at that (not the actual act but the woman's face when she's reaching orgasm, etc.)

And I'm thinking, how can people watch this? It's just glorifying that lifestyle. Criminal Minds is one of the shows that actually focuses on the psycho-killers,half of each episode seem sto be from their point of view, and shows them torturing or killing their victims, etc. You telling me this doesn't de-sensitize people who watch it?

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