Friday, July 20, 2012

Armed man murders 12 people, injures 50 at Aurora, Colorado theater

At, the moderators have told folks not to discuss it in a political context.

Apparently out in the "real world" some folks are trying to blame it on the Tea Party- as many of the victims were African American. The race of the shooter wasn't identified, but if they're trying to blame the Tea Party, he was probably white. (Whether White white or Latino white remains to be established.)

As usual, on the message boards, there are people saying this is what happens when you let civilians have guns...other people are saying if someone else had had a gun the perp would have been shot dead before he'd killed more than a couple of people, others are saying in the smoke of the smoke bomb anyone else with a gun would have shot the wrong people, etc.

I don't really know the solution. Having metal detectors at move theaters would be a prohibitive expense, even if, if the examiner saw a gun, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it before the perp drew it and started firing, anyway!

Well, it's just an awful event regardless. Today, with so many people under so much pressure - losing their jobs and their homes, not able to get a job....

Did a guy just snap or was it just a teenager hoping to make a name for himself like the losers at Columbine?

Just a sad say for this country, regardless of why it happened.

I'm sure we'll get speculation in the news...hopefully we'll also find out the truth very soon.

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