Monday, July 16, 2012

Who built the roads? Who built the bridges?

As Rush so rightly points out, it was our tax dollars. And the rich pay more in taxes than the poor, don't they?
RUSH: Who does Obama think paid the taxes for the roads and the bridges and the stoplights? Who paid for this? Who paid for all of that? People that don't have anything? People who pay taxes paid for all this stuff! Folks, it's a shame that we have to sit here and react to this kind of sophistry and explain to people how this country was built and who did it and why it happened and how it happened. Because we live in a period of time where the president of the United States is trying to rewrite the history of this country.

He wants you to believe that socialists built this country. He wants you to believe that the people who built this country got trod on, stepped on, and never got a dime for what they did. Everybody else stole their work and stole their businesses, and everybody that became rich is basically a thief. And the reason he's doing it is numbers. There are far more millions of people who aren't rich than there are people who are. So he can fire up those people that are non-rich.

If you're an average liberal, you're sitting out there knowing that your life doesn't matter. If you're an average liberal, you're in desperate, vain search for meaning in your life because you know you don't have any. And everybody wants their lives to matter. Why are liberals so susceptible to running around and buying cheap little cars they think can "save the planet"? 'Cause liberals come to 'em and say, "You know what? You've destroyed the planet, but you can redeem yourself. You can save the planet!"

Well, if you're sitting out there and you want your life to matter and it doesn't, and somebody comes along and tells you, "You can save the planet; all you gotta do is drive a Prius," well, there you are in the showroom in five minutes trying to make a deal 'cause you want to matter. Everybody wants to matter. So here come Obama, here comes Elizabeth Warren, and they try to tell you, "Yeah, you know all you people sitting around in your underwear watching television all day? You actually made this happen!

"You made it happen. You're ones that built this country. You're getting the shaft. The people that are getting rich here stole it all from you. They stole the work you did. They stole the businesses that should be yours!" And it's depressing to realize that there are a bunch of people out there going, "Yeah, yeah, yeah!" when they hear this. I understand people wanting their lives to matter. Everybody does. Everybody wants their life to have meaning.

Everybody's in search for the meaning of life in general and the meaning of their life in particular. So here come these demagogues, and we now find ourselves right in the middle of history revision. Normally, history revision takes place somewhat after specific events have taken place. And I guess that's happening now. The building of this country certainly isn't happening now. It's being torn down. "Economists say the sales and profit gains of early this year are disappearing, and they are increasingly pessimistic about short-term growth. "They also are gloomy because of the potential impact in the US from Europe's financial crisis, the possible expiration of the Bush tax [rates] in December, and the prospect of major cuts in federal spending." Look, nobody who counts for anything is upset over possible cuts in government spending. The people that count for something, the people that matter realize that has to happen. You know what's always disturbed me about liberals? Yeah, there are class differences. But I meant it last hour when I said, "Before Karl Marx, nobody ever associated class differences with economic progress or not." These thoughts that everybody has now -- class envy, warfare -- none of that existed before Karl Marx came along. The left glommed onto it, and now they are trying to convince everybody in the lower classes that they're the ones that actually made all of this happen. And, by the way, this is not a criticism of people in the different classes. I don't look at people this way at all!

That's my whole point. These are the people that do, and they force it on us. They sit here and they make up these stories about all of this. They describe and they campaign on the basis that life is unfair. "The rich are not genuine! They're not legitimate." Not just the rich. Nobody who achieved anything (other than Obama, of course, and the Kennedys) are legitimate. Okay, let's concede just for the sake of argument that we have this class-based society. Why aren't the Democrats trying to raise everybody up?

You notice they try to get to their precious utopian equality by chopping everybody down? They want everybody lowered to some mythical economic level where everybody is mythically, magically supposedly equal. There's a story at NewsBusters. Sigourney Weaver, who's obviously brainless, gave an interview to David Gregory, and she's just mouthing a bunch of crap that she's probably heard her whole life. (paraphrased) "Oh, yeah, everybody knows the Democrats are the party that want to help people. And the Republicans, all they want to do is help business."

If it weren't for Wall Street and big business, Barack Obama would not be president of the United States! If anybody had big business in his back pocket, in his front pocket, and who knows whatever other pocket, it was Barack Obama!

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