Thursday, October 14, 2010

Obamacare - Unravelling

The more that comes out about Obamacare, the more of a debacle it proves to be.
Story #5: Regime Allows Higher Premiums for Sick Children

RUSH: Hey, let's hear it for Obamacare. New York Times headline: "U.S. to Let Insurers Raise Fees for Sick Children -- The Obama administration, aiming to encourage health insurance companies to offer child-only policies, said Wednesday that they could charge higher premiums for coverage of children with serious medical problems, if state law allowed it. Earlier this year, major insurers, faced with an unprofitable business, stopped issuing new child-only policies. They said that the Obama administration’s interpretation of the new health care law would allow families to buy such coverage at the last minute, when children became ill and were headed to the hospital. In September, the administration said that insurers could establish open-enrollment periods -- for example, one month a year -- during which they would accept all children. Now, on Wednesday, the administration, answering a question raised by many insurers, said they could charge higher premiums to sick children outside the open-enrollment period, if state laws allowed such underwriting, as many do."

Well, what happened here to free and premiums being reduced $2500 and keep your own policy and doctor? So the regime caves so that child-only policies can continue for now. Kathleen Sebelius, Health and Human Services secretary, said, "Nothing in the Affordable Care Act, or any other existing federal law, allows us to require insurance companies to offer a particular type of policy at this time." (imitating Sebelius) "But, be patient. Once 2013, 2014 roll around we'll be in charge of this and there won't be any insurance companies. You'll have to come to us and whatever it costs is whatever it's gonna cost. If you don't pay it then we're going to put you in jail."

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