Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What Does The Tea Party Want for Black America?

I'd say the Tea Party, and the Republicans, want to put an end to Black America, sure. But they want to replace it with.... America. Non-hyphenated America. An America where everybody embraces education, everybody embraces the middle-class lifestyle or above, and everyone works to get out of poverty instead of sitting back and living off the government teat.

Is it all black America's fault? No, no more than it is all the fault of the Native Americans, or of the Brown Americans, the Yellow Americans, or the White Americans.

Once you've been put on the government teat and lived there for three generations, any knowledge that there's any other way to live has pretty much dissipated - regardless of all the good role models on TV and in the movies - which are counterpointed by the bad role models in the rap industry, TV sit coms, and advertising media.

Anyway, today Rush spoke out about what ANdre Carson of Indiana had to say about the Tea Party.
RUSH: First, ladies and gentlemen, how many of you have ever heard of a member of the Congressional Black Caucus Andre Carson? Andre Carson, Democrat from Indiana, he is the Congressional Black Caucus chief vote-counter. He is also, I believe, the second Muslim to serve in Congress, Keith Ellison from Minnesota being the first. And Mr. Carson, member of the Congressional Black Caucus from Indiana, says that Tea Partiers on Capitol Hill would like to see -- this is from The Politico, by the way -- Mr. Andre Carson said that Tea Partiers on Capitol Hill would like to see African-Americans hanging from trees. He accuses the movement of wishing for a return to the Jim Crow era. We have audio sound bites in case you doubt me, in case you think I'm making this up. This is the new civility of the Democrat Party. This is August 22nd. So basically nine days ago, it's taken that long for this to surface. Nine days ago in Miami during a Congressional Black Caucus town hall, the whip, Congressional Black Caucus whip Andre Carson, Democrat, Indiana spoke. Now, it's a cheap microphone, and I think this is Internet quality, but here's what he said.

CARSON: This is the effort that we're seeing of Jim Crow. Some of these folks in Congress right now would love to see us as second-class citizens.


CARSON: Some of them in Congress right now with this Tea Party movement would love to see you and me -- I'm sorry, Mr. Chairman -- hanging on a tree.

RUSH: So he said it. This is the new civility of the Democrat Party. We actually had a member of the Congressional Black Caucus suggest that Tea Partiers in Washington would like to see blacks like him hanging from trees. I wonder if Mr. Andre Carson is -- (interruption) He's probably unaware, Mr. Snerdley, that blacks in the south were hung from trees by Democrats. Do you think he knows that? Do you think Andre Carson knows that it was Democrats who did the lynching? Do you think Andre Carson knows that it was Democrats who hung blacks from trees? You think he knows that? You really do? Well, that just makes him even more disingenuous. Well, if you didn't know it, folks, it is true, blacks in the south were lynched by Democrats largely because they might have voted Republican.

If you were black, you could get lynched, you could be hung from a tree by Democrats if you voted Republican. In fact, white Republicans were the first targets of southern lynch mobs, especially the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party which is known as what? The Klan. The Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party. The Democrats terrorized white people who tried to help black people. The Democrats of the south were the ones doing all the lynching, Mr. Carson. Meanwhile, it's ridiculous to have to even point this out, no evidence that the Tea Party's lynched anybody. This is how discombobulated these people are. And of course you hear the audience reaction, "Yeah, baby, yeah!" Language of jihad? Well, it does sound like Jihadist language in you look at it in a certain way.

Now, they went to Andre Carson, "Did you really mean this?" And Carson's staff said, "Yep, the congressman stands by his remarks since the Tea Party has gutted nutrition services for the poor." That's what he said is the reason for the comment. Now, you and I all know that not one nutrition program has been gutted much less even cut. According to the General Accounting Office in 2008 the federal government had 18 separate food programs that spent 62 and a half billion dollars every year to feed the poor, and they have been hugely expanded by the Obama regime. In fact, somewhere here in my stack, ladies and gentlemen, the federal government has an outreach plan if your food stamps were wiped out by the hurricane, here's where you go to get them replaced. If you went out and bought food with your food stamps and if your food happened to get flooded along with your flooded food stamps, this is where you go to have it redeemed.

My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday throughout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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