Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cops Don't Stop Rapes, They Imprison Rapists

When I was growing up in the 70s, one of my favorite TV shows was Adam-12. That was a series that featured a couple of beat cops interacting with the community.

Today, do we ever see cops walking a beat - or do they just cruise past in their cars? Or, admittedly, stand guard in shopping malls, libraries or banks, depending upon the city in which you live.

In any event, do more cops stop rapes? I don't think so? Only a re-education of our young men, that raping young women is not acceptable or macho, can do that. In addition, and I am not blaming all victims here, but young women who drink to excess - or date men who habitually drink to excess - or who do drugs, certainly lessen their ability to prevent certain types of rapes from happening.

Anyway, Rush quoted Joe Biden today:
RUSH: You want to hear disgusting? Vice President Bite Me was in Flint, Michigan. It's audio sound bite number 27. He was at the downtown fire department. He spoke to firefighters about the American Jobs Act that the Senate, led by Harry Reid and the Democrats, failed to pass yesterday.

BIDEN: In 2008 when Flint had 265 sworn officers on the police force, there were 35 murders and 91 rapes in this city. In 2010, when Flint had only 144 police officers, the murder rate climbed to 65 and rapes, just to pick two categories, climbed to 229. In 2011 you now only have 125 shields. God only knows what the numbers will be this year for Flint if we don't rectify it. And God only knows what that number would have been had we not been able to get a little bit of help to you.

And Rush reminded us of something he'd pointed out last week. This jobs bill would only provide funds for new jobs for one year. After that, individual cities would have had to pay for these new cops and firefighters themselves...and apparently they're all broke!
And for all of you in Flint, Michigan, who might have been familiar with what Vice President Biden just told you, it happened this morning in Flint, Michigan, let me just tell you that whatever jobs there were in this bill for firemen and police and teachers, they were for one year. They were for one year, and after that it would have been up to you in Flint to pay to keep them on the payroll. It was nothing more than a scam from the get-go, and it was never intended to pass, and it is disgusting for the vice president of the United States to head out to Flint, Michigan, and to blame rape and crime on Republicans not passing a bogus jobs bill that was never intended to be passed. The jobs bill was intended to be defeated so that Republicans would be blamed for it. It's a campaign tactic. And who knew that higher taxes stopped rape anyway? 'Cause that's all this bill was.

My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday throughout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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