Tuesday, October 18, 2011

President of the US vs Captain of a Star Ship

One of the criticisms of the original Star Trek (one of my favorite shows) is that Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock always beamed down to a planet together. Or if Spock didn't beam down, Kirk always did - always in to danger.

The criticism was that the captain of a starship would never beam down into danger - he would always remain on the ship - the ship and its crew were his responsbility - and he would send down other people - expendable people - to do the recons, the this's and the that's.

I've been reminded of that several times in the past few weeks, as President Obama has been flying around the country (at great cost and inconvenience to those on the ground (traffic jams, etc.)) - not to do any work but rather to make speeches to civilians.

He wants his jobs bill passed - why isn't he talking to Congress about it? Why isn't he having discussions with Congress, laying out all the facts and figures that would prove his Jobs Bill would actually work!

Instead, he's going around talking to Union folks, and out of work folks, and so on...wanting them to apparently call their Congresspeople and tell them to vote yes on the bill.

Seems to me a waste of time. Any government person should be able to do that - perhaps Geithner or some Czar, while the President should be, again, at the White House working out and discussing the problems of the bill with the house and the senate.

My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday throughout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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