Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Rush on Gibbs leaving

Rush did't spend as much time on this as I would have expected, he only mentioned it briefly.

But of course he hit it right on the head. Gibbs, Axelrod, even Rahm Emmanuel, they aren't really abandoning a sinking ship, they're going out into the private sphere to help spread Obama's - and the Dem's - socialist desires a little more.

It is disheartening, to think of how much money these people are going to be earning giving talks at various functions. (I wonder if Obama will set a cap on how much an after-dinner speaker can make?)

Story #1: WH Staff Dropping Like Birds Over Arkansas

RUSH: I'll tell you what, they're dropping like birds out of the sky over Arkansas in the White House. Robert Gibbs is now leaving and that goes along with Axelrod leaving. These guys are not "leaving." You know what they're doing? They're going to start working on Obama's 2012 campaign. That's what they're doing. They're not leaving.

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