Friday, January 14, 2011

CAIR and the FBI

I turned on Glenn Beck briefly today, and came in on a section wehre he was talking about the fact that the CAIR website had an image of an FBI guy on its website promoting some kind of a meeting in Oakland, with the advice "Don't talk to the FBI."

This certainly sounded to me like it was inciting distrust and violence against the lawful representatives of the American government, so I tried to find the image. Couldn't, but I did finally look at the CAIR website for the first time:

In their "Contact CAIR" section, there are three links. They've got a "File a Complaint" email form, plus a link for general info and speaker's bureau. No links for people who have been mistreated by Muslims to file a complaint ("No I don't serve pork here! Get out!) and no space for Muslims to post how well they've been treated by law enforcement or plain ol' AMericans.... but then it's only bad news they want.

The File a Complaint form is interesting.

There's a big space for "Please provide a detailed description of the incident below. Include date, time, witnesses, and any evidence of religious discrimination."

Religious discrimination... like not letting someone say "Merry Christmas?" Like forcing crosses to be take down from public lands?

Anyway, I have no doubt that there aren't some Muslim-Americans who are just trying to go about their lives peacefully, just as there are Christian Americans and Jewish Americans trying to do the same thing, and they all get picked on by an "element."

But what was intersting was that the complainant has the capability of answering Yes or No to the question, "Do you authorize CAIR to give the media your contact information?"

SO if you ever wonder how some insignificant little local incident gets blown up to statewide (and sometimes national) proportions, now you know. Someone complains to CAIR's website, and CAIR immediately contacts the national media and expects a big deal to be made of it...

Oh...and CAIR is also Zakah-worthy. Zakah is the Muslim form of charity. Interesting reading here:

Even more interesting is the wording of this paragraph:
Muslims should have no hesitation in giving part of their Zakah to CAIR or CAIR-CAN, which is providing a most timely and essential service for the cause of Islam and Muslims. They both have a reputation for professionalism, efficiency, commitment, and integrity, which in my mind are the most valuable assets of any Islamic organization worthy of the name.

Note it says "Muslims" not American Muslims, and what precisely is the "cause of Islam"?

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