Thursday, January 13, 2011

Death Threats Against Sarah Palin Skyrocket

"Death Threats Against Sarah Palin Skyrocket"
Isn't that funny? All these people saying that Palin's putting a target on the woman's district incited this nutcase to try to kill her, and actually kill several other people, and yet now they are spreading their hate and venom and wanting to kill her. Much like the religious folks who are against abortion, but don't mind an abortion doctor being murdered. There's a dichotomy there they don't seem to grasp.

RUSH: The president, if he really meant what he was talking about with all of this, could have easily named names. He is the president of the United States. He could have said how ridiculous it is for individuals like Sarah Palin or anybody else he chose to name to be accused of having anything to do with this, that it is not helping our politics. But he is vague about it, and it's left to the individual to interpret whatever the president meant, which is exactly what he intended. He had to be very careful to walk the fine line because it's his side that's been engaging in all this.

I don't know about you, but we were all minding our business on Saturday. We weren't in Tucson. We didn't know this guy. This guy didn't listen to us. He didn't go to Sarah Palin's blog. All of a sudden it's all our fault. Who starts this? Obama's side started this. This is the thing. But there was a moral equivalence established last night. Everybody's guilty. The whole country's guilty. We must do a better job. No, no, no. I don't accept that. I don't like the way this country is talked about by this president. Even in an attempt to unite people and make us feel that we all need to step up and somehow improve our civility and our dialogue, when at the same time that didn't have anything to do with this, by his own admission. Our dialogue, our lack of civility, the way we talk to each other, he said it had nothing to do with this, and yet we've gotta step up and improve. Not him. No way. Audio sound bites. This one, folks, I just knew it. Before it happened, I knew something like this was going to be part of the presentation.

OBAMA: Right after we went to visit, a few minutes after we left her room and some of her colleagues from Congress were in the room, Gabby opened her eyes for the first time. (applause) Gabby opened her eyes for the first time. Gabby opened her eyes. Gabby opened her eyes.

RUSH: This is what makes this program so -- I deserve combat pay. You know, I really do. Yesterday was Wednesday. She opened her eyes on Sunday. We have the doctor saying so, because they were keeping her in an induced coma and she would come in and out of the coma, I guess. Now, the doctor made it a point to say today that she voluntarily opened her eyes for the first time yesterday. Now, clearly, folks, the impression sought here is that the president and Mrs. Obama arrive on Chariot One, they head to the hospital, they go into the room of Gabrielle Giffords, they do whatever they do, they lay on hands, what have you. The president and the first lady then leave and in walk some of her friends, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Kirsten Gillibrand, Pelosi and others. Well, there was one other, I forget, there's four of them, four female members of Congress, friends of hers. And after Obama and Michelle have left, the congresswomen walk in and it's at that point that she opens her eyes. And her husband has given Obama permission to announce this to the world during the memorial service. Why not -- (interruption) I know. I'm gonna let it go. I'm gonna let it go. I think it explains itself. Yeah, you are, Snerdley. Don't goad me. Let me trust and follow my instincts here. Moving on here. This is a portion of the president's lecture on civility.

OBAMA: At a time when our discourse has become so sharply polarized, at a time when we are far too eager to lay to blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who happen to think differently than we do, it's important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we're talking with each other in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds.

RUSH: Right. I mean like stop calling people bitter clingers, as the president did in San Francisco, people that cling to their guns and cling to their religion. And stop telling people if they bring a knife to the fight, we're gonna bring a gun. You mean to stop telling people, "Get in their face, I want you to be angry." Is that what the president meant when he was saying we've gotta start talking to each other in a way that heals? And punish your enemies, he told Hispanics, punish your enemies when they don't do it right. And also, ladies and gentlemen, again, we were lectured on civility, but we were also told that whatever his opinion of our lack of civility is had no role in the event. So why are we being lectured on it? I mean he openly said that we can't -- and I'm sure there were probably memorial services at the Daily Kos and the Democrat Underground when he said it. He said political rhetoric had no role here, had no impact. I forget his exact words, but it did not contribute to the cause of the event, and yet we get a lecture on improving our civility. He's trying to help us heal. That is the point, we don't need to heal. The people that need to heal are the victims of the shooting. They are the ones who need the healing. And I don't know how helpful it is in the process of trying to help them heal to sit there and get the whole country worked up and say we're all in a unified way responsible here. Well we must be if we've gotta improve ourselves and the way we dialogue with each other.


RUSH: This is the bite that I've been referring to. This is the president saying that "lack of civility" did not cause the shooting while really saying that it did cause the shooting but making sure nobody can say he said a lack of civility caused the shooting.

OBAMA: This tragedy prompts reflection and debate, as it should. Let's make sure it's worthy of those we have lost. (applause) Let's make sure it's not on the usual plane of politics and point scoring and pettiness that drifts away in the next news cycle --

1 comment:

  1. What's wrong "Thunder Child"? Don't want to be affiliated with the Rush program? I don't blame you. Hey, did I just see someone post a target over Rush's radio station? Hope so.
