Here's the contents:
We're hanging by a thread - Limbaugh riffs on Obama's movent to transform the USA into a socialist country.
News Digest: Two pages of news paragraphs.
1) Bummed out - Ocean Beach, CA
2) Goofle - woman looks at Blackberry instead of road, gets run over, now suing Blackberry
3) Fed Up (21 Californian "regime" members bypass rules)
4) First Nag (Mrs Obama and school diets)
5) No BFF (schools working to ensure kids don't have best friends)
6) Waterworld: New Yorker mag cover shows Obama sinking in water
7) Egged On: In the EU, eggs are sold by weight, rather than by the dozen
8) The Big House: prison inmates serving life sentences erroneously given housing credits
My consevation with Gov. Jan Brewer. 4 pages
Mailing the Left: Staring their own failure in the face: (Dems not happy with Obama) 2 pages of quotes from Dems about Obama's work.
Stupid Quotes (one page)
What Are You Doing, Church Lady? My answer to a smug caller's challenger. (Limbaugh employs 150 people.) 1 page
It's not the Statue of Immigration - 2 page article, from what Rush had talked about last month after Obama's speech about the Statue of Liberty.
Undocumented Democrats - last page.
I didn't care for the illustrative drawing on the last page. It shows five people walking menacingly toward the viewer, each with the glowing eyes of someone possessed..presumably an homage to the Twilight movies (?) wiht a couple of wolves with similar eyes. This is portraying illegals as pure evil. I disagree. Sure, a lot of them are drug dealers and so on, but let us not forget that most illegals are, indeed, just searching for a better life, which they cannot find in the hell-hole that is any Latin-American or Central-American country. (Why do none of them go to Venezuela, I wonder?)
It is our government that is to blame here, and has been for 40 years, for letting this illegal immigrant situation get totally out of hand. They wouldn't have come if our government hadn't enabled them to do so. Just as thousands of illegals were leaving Arizona voluntarily after the law against illegals had been passed, until the judge put a stay on it, giving them free reign again.
Here's an idea... the US should take the welfare money it's currently paying illegals and use it to set up education camps on the outskirts of the borders with Arizona, Texas, etc., in which these wanna be illegals and legal citizens of Mexico can learn English, learn about democracy - then go back and take back their own country - Mexico - and put it on the right track.
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