Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fear of Islam, not Islamophobia

If you look up the definition of the word "phobia" in a dictionary, it will say that it is an "unreasoning" fear. And so homophobia, acrophobia, claustrophibia, and so on, those are all unreasoning fears and deserve to be called phobias.

But Islamophobia? Irrational?

I don't think so.

As a Western woman who exults in being able to leave the house whenever I want, earn my own money that I can spend however, I want, wear as revealing clothing as I want (though it's not very revealing - I grant you)... the point is... how can any Western woman not be afraid of Islam?

It's not a question of how enlightened Islam was a thousand years ago when it saved knowledge from the Christian Dark Ages, it's not a question of how brutal Christianity was 300 years or so ago with the Spanish's what's happening now.

Saudi Arabia - women can't drive. Can't leave the house without a male escort.
Afghanistan - women suspected of adultery can be - and are - stoned to death
Sudan and the Congo - it's Muslims going around raping women as a form of genocide...a raped woman is "unclean" - never mind the fact that the definition of rape is sex without consent - and must therefore be untouched by any more men. Indeed, in order to reclaim her "honor" she's generally expected to kill herself.
US - there've been quite a few honor killings here.

Now, that doesn't mean that there aren't fundamental Christian sects in the US that are almost (almost) as oppressive, and that doesn't mean that there aren't some women who willingly subjugate themselves as no more than they deserve...but its in the Islamic religion that it is a given.

So, I don't have Islamophobia. I am afraid of Islam.

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