Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Way Things Ought To Be; Chapter 2

Chapter 1 was entitled the Introduction, Chapter 2 is entitled "Going National", and tells the story of Limbaugh in January, 1988, when he was at KFBK in SAcramento, "minding my own business and enjoying for the first time almost everything life had to offer."

He'd been living in Sacramento for three years. He was 37 years old. "I was no longer a passing personality but a rather a functioning, practicing and participating member of my community, - aspects of life which were new to me. And I loved it all."

Bruce Marr, a radio consultant, helped Rush "go national," in other words, syndicate his show in other portions of the United States.

Rush met with Ed McLaughlin, "a broadcasting legend" who had just retired as president of the ABC Radio Networks. He had started his own entrepreneur company syndicating radio shows. He had started out with Dr. Dean Edell, and now wanted to do the same thing for Rush.

Rush tells all the details in this chapter, ending with, "On August 1, the EIB (Excellence in Broadcasting) Network premiered with its fifty-two radio stations and a total audience of 250,000 people. At first it was only two hours, but as it gained in popularity it expanded to three.

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