I only listened to the first 10 minutes or so, and the last ten minutes or so, of Urbanski on Rush today, and I have to say he really got on my nerves. It "blame Obama, blame Obama" every single second.
At least Rush leavens his program with comments about other Democrats as well, but it seems like, admittedly the short bit I listened to, that Urbanski was dumping on Obama the whole time.
And it is getting tiring.
Let us not forget that everything Obama is doing, he is doing with the support of fellow Democrats.
Let us not forget that the Democrats could not have their Super-Majority, and Obama could not have been elected, if Repuublicans had been doing their job properly to begin with.
That means not only doing their best to stop out of control spending, insulating a culture of incompetence, and so on, but also educating the American people about what they're doing.
Blacks think Democrats will treat them better then Republicans will. Whose fault is that? Rush constantly brings up the past, where it was Democrats who fought against integation and so on. That was then, this is now. What are Republicans doing now to get blacks to stop looking to government and start standing on their own two feet?
And what can we do to get everybody working together to accept the American way of life, which at one point consisted of a culture of self-reliance and competence, a way of life that our government has let slip away into the growing nanny state that we have today.
Rush is doing his best to spread education (for the most part, anyway), but Urbanski, at least, just seemed to be on a one-note diatribe.
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