Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Way Things Ought To Be, Report Pt 2, Introduction

In the Introduction, Rush points out that his initial problem in writing the book was the the Current events that mean so much one week might mean nothing at all the next week.

Political analysts, pundits, and pundits must offer their observations through the analysis of events within the time frame of those events as well as after the event. The analysis and commentary are timeless and instructive.

In truth, events are simply vehicles which allow commentators, philosophers, and analysts the opportunity to illustrate their beliefs and define themselves.

He goes on:

I believe in specific ideas and I believe that those ideas have consequences. I believe in the individual, in less government so as to allow that individual maximum freedom to create and achieve; that societies which are founded on restraining the government rather than the individual are optimum; that the individual is smart enough to solve his own problems and does not need to depend on big government for resolution of all his problems.


[I believe...] thatmy belief in individuality and limited government does not preclude me from advocating the requisite amount of governmental authority to ensure law and order in our society, that our ability to enjoy peace vis-a-vis other nations is directly related to our military strength, that the best we can hope for in an imperfect world will most likely be achieved by maximizing individual economic and political freedoms and, conversely, that social utopia cannot be achieved through governmental largesse and socialistic redistribution of wealth;

and that compassion is defined not by how many people are on the government dole but by how many people no longer need government assistance, that political and economic freedom are inexerobly intertwined, that society owes its citizens equality of opportunity but cannot guarantee then equality of outcome, that strong, wholesome family values are at the very core of a productive, prosperous and peaceful society


[and] that those values cannot be instilled by government but can indeed be sucked dry and eliminated by well-intentioned but destructive governmental programs; that human life is sacred and that God placed man in a position of having dominion over nature; that environmental awareness is healthy, but that apocoplyptic environmentalism based on disinformation and hysteria is destructive to society and man's best interests; that racial relations will not be enhanced or prejudice eliminated by governmental edict; that there is one God and that this country was established with that foundational belief; that our morality emanates from our Divine Creator, whose laws are not subject to amendment, modification or rescission by man;


[that] certain fundamental differences between men and women exist in nature; that men and women are not at war and that their relationship should not be redefined by those who believe that we are; that the meaning of the establishment clause of the First Amendment should not be stretched beyond its intended dimensions by precluding prayer in our public schools, that the United States of America was founded on the beliefs I have just enunciated and that it is the greatest nation in the history of theworld; and that the USA is the greatest nation, not because Americans are inherently superior but because its government was founded on principles which seek to allow maximum achievement.

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