Tuesday, August 17, 2010

America's Culture of Incompetence

As I listened to Rush Limbaug today, I could not help but shake my head. Of course, today was not the first time. Ever since the news came out of the debacle of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, a year or more ago, I have just watched, aghast, as the pillars of the United States have come tumbling down.

Every day, more and more entrenched incompetence of the United States is being made clear. How could we, the best country in the world, full of American "exceptionalism" and American "know how" have fallen to this state.

Even before this depression that we are now in, 90% of Americans were 2 paychecks away from disaster, because they had no savings. 90% of Americans owed more than $10,000 on credit cards - and no, that was NOT the fault of the credit card companies, that was the fault of the idiots who'd buy things they wanted but couldn't afford, because they didn't know enough math to be able to figure out how much their monthly payments would be.

The incompetence extends to the CEOs of big companies, who could drive their companies into the ground and be fired and still get a golden parachute whie the workers went onto welfare. Worse, those CEOs would then be recycled in some other business, and drive that one into the ground as well.

But the main incompetence has been with our government. Let's assume that the Republicans have always been in the right and Democrats in the wrong. Why then are the Democrats in control now? If the Republicans had done a good job, there should have been no way that Democrats could have gotten a toe in.

Now Republicans are.... supposedly.... set to take back a little power in the November elections. What will they do with that power?

What can we, the people, do to ensure that America's culture of incompetence is replaced - QUICKLY - by a culture of competence?

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