Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Adam and Eve Blew It???

Today Rush said:
Now, Barack Obama himself, yesterday in his press conference, said, (paraphrasing) "Well, one of the reasons for high gasoline prices is the instability in the Middle East." Really? When is there not instability in the Middle East? There has always been instability in the Middle East, ever since Adam and Eve blew it. And there will always be instability in the Middle East.

1) There has always been instability in the Middle East, ever since Adam and Eve blew it.

Adam and Eve blew it? Adam and Eve blew it? I think, if you actually believe in the Christian bible, that it would be more appropriate to say, "ever since God decided that since Adam and Eve had made one mistake, every...single...descendant....of theirs must be horribly cursed to suffer and die."

If God didn't want Adam and Eve to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he should have educated them a bit about "the truth" and "lies" - because if you're innocent beings, as Adam and Eve were, then they have no concept of lies, and didn't know that the serpent was lying to them! And because they were gullible all mankind for ever afterward deserves to suffer and die? Why, yes, because God loves us.

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