Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Let's not forget where the real War on Women is taking place

Rush has talked about this a couple of times, and so did Mark Steyn on his guest stint on Monday.

Just who is running a War on Women?

I'd say it would be the Muslims over in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and every other country that has Sharia law, which counts women as less than dirt. That allows women to be stoned to death for adultery. That has law courts that says if a woman is raped she must marry her rapist or go to jail. That makes women wear coverings on their heads and over all their bodies lest they inflame men.

Here in the US there is a war on women also, I admit. It doesn't come from Limbaugh - it comes from the media. Watch any commercial TV and you do see women dressed ...well I won't say dressed like sluts, but dressed inappropriately, all to catch the eye of men. You've got cheerleaders wearing bikinis who perform sexualized dances in front of college football teams as well as pro teams. You've got drek movies like Hangover, Knocked Up, Project X. You've got TV shows like Sixteen and Pregnant. Wife Swap.

And then we wonder why more and more women in the US are getting pregnant at a young age and settling for staying at home, barefoot and pregnant, while the government sends them welfare checks (since there is no man in the picture.)

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