Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Keystone Pipeline and Big Government

Rush's comments on how the government thinks only it can solve things - despite the fact that the government has been proved inept over and over again!
You notice how the news media is trying to convince us there is nothing that Obama can do to lower the price of gas? They've been saying this since the price of gas started going up. "There's nothing Obama can do. Why would you think Obama could do anything about it?"

Meanwhile, they constantly assure us that there is not one problem on earth that can't be solved by government. No matter how big, no matter how small, no matter how personal! Your health care, your food, your water, your car -- no matter what it is -- they've got the answer! No matter what the problem, Barack Obama and his government have the answer, except the gas price! Eh, nothing Obama can do. We have a real problem, like high gasoline prices, and they tell us it's ridiculous to think the government can do anything about it! And, furthermore, they insult our intelligence by telling us that it's not that big a deal that the price of gasoline's high.

You're only being fooled by people like me and Republicans who are exploiting rising gasoline prices, but it's really not a problem. It's the first time in history that the media has said rising gasoline prices are not a problem. It's the first time in history the media has not tried to exploit this itself to the detriment of a Republican president or any other Republican. For the first time in history -- at least in my life -- the media is telling us that there's nothing Obama can do. Bush coulda done everything! Bush could have if he'd-a wanted to, but Bush and Cheney they were Big Oil guys you see. And Bush and Cheney, they want oil prices to go up 'cause that's how they got rich, don't you see!

But Obama? Oh, no, no, no! Obama can't do anything about it. Those biiiiig oil companies, they're so much bigger and they're so mean, and they hate you, and they don't care what the price of gas is! They'll screw you just as soon as they get up in the morning. And there nothing Obama can do about. But you break a hangnail, and you're gonna have to go through Obama to get it fixed before too long! Another laugh line from Obama's speech today: "I don't want the energy jobs of tomorrow going to other countries. I want them here in the United States." Well, then why did you block the Keystone pipeline, which could generate up to 20,000 jobs, Mr. President?

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