Friday, March 16, 2012

Limbaugh Lexicon Terms Defined - Well, not really

The headline for the transcript was Limbaugh Lexicon Terms defined, but he only did a couple. He really should do an FAQ on why he refers to various people the way he does...Dingy Harry, Dick "Turban" Durbin, The Breck Girl (John Edwards), and I think he refers to someone else as the Forehead, although I'm blanking on the name.

I admit I wish he'd stop doing that. Just call them by their right names! Let their actions speak for them, don't prejudice people against them with this childish name-calling.

He defined New Castrati:
RUSH: (laughing) Now, the New Castrati, when I started imitating it, that's basically men with no guts who have just been bullied by women and the power structure and liberalism in general. So when I do the imitation of those guys, the New Castrati, basically these are people that just have been bullied into total acquiescence to the liberal agenda. They don't stand up for themselves. They never stand up for what's right for themselves. They're just total appeasers. They just totally go along to avoid any resistance or confrontation whatsoever.

Why does he say, "For those folks in Rio Linda" when he explains something very simply:
RUSH: I move to Sacramento in 1984 and one of the things that I did was drive around town for a week before I was to go on the air to just try to learn the community, what was where and what looked like so when I was talking about the community I had a mental picture of it. And one of the places I saw driving around was called Rio Linda, and the sign that signified city limits did not have a population number on it. I said, "Well, that's strange. Does anybody admit to living here?"

So I drove through, and on the main drag there were concrete blocks with cars on top of 'em. There were washing machines and stuff on the front porch. So I said, "Wow, this is something." I offered to move there, on the air, to elevate property values if they would rename the place Limbaugh, California. They rejected it.

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