Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Rezko Sentenced to Jail...Finally

Does anybody on the Democrat side care about the relationship between Rezko and Obama???? Clearly something went down there that if not illegal was immoral.

Problem is... is there any politician, Republican or Democrat, that can point fingers?

Charlie Rangel is the biggest crook of them all - he's still in the political arena! He was even feted by the Democrats a few weeks ago.

The only way to clean up politics is to ensure that every politician is "Ceasar's wife" - above suspicion. The first time a politician does anything immoral - even if its something as inconsequential as stealing a candybar from a store - they should not be allowed to hold public office.

But we, the public - allow this. Many politicians - convicted drug addicts or even felons - are re-elected by their constituents. Why? Because they bring home the pork.
RUSH: Oh, no! There goes the next opportunity for the next Obama. A federal district court judge has just sentenced former Obama fundraiser Tony Rezko to ten years in prison. Tony Rezko is the guy who did some amazingly artful financial dealings that enabled a guy who couldn't afford a house to buy a pretty big one. That would be Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm. Rezko is one of the few people from Obama's past that we know anything about. I was just asking this earlier on in the program. We don't know any of the people in Obama's past. There has been not one media anal probe of Obama. We found out about Rezko. He's going up the river now for ten years.

In a nutshell, Tony Rezko was convicted for scheming to get kickbacks from the Chicago teachers union pension fund. Isn't that shocking, something like that should happen in Chicago? A real estate financier getting kickbacks from the teachers pension fund, the union pension fund? Now, don't forget here, folks, Rezko was supposed to be sentenced several years ago, but he promised to help prosecutors in their case against Blagojevich, but apparently he didn't help 'em at all since prosecutors were demanding Rezko get 15 years. What happened was Obama wanted to buy a house that the seller had a specific condition on, that was the adjacent empty lot to the house had to be purchased at the same time.

So Obama shelled out 300 grand under the asking price. Obama paid $300,000 less than the asking price with Rezko making up the balance. So he paid $300,000 under, paid $1,650,000. He then purchased a part of Rezko's lot for $104,000, which is also under market value. And that's how Obama was able to satisfy the seller's requirement. He didn't have the money himself. He got it from Rezko. So that's one person from Obama's past that we know anything about, and he's now going up the river. We know Obama played golf in Hawaii with, what was he, a porn operator or drug convict or some such thing, one of his good buddies. I forget the nature of the crime, but one of those two things I believe, and Obama played golf with him over the weekend in Hawaii, while he was in Asia, or thought he was in Asia when he was in Hawaii, one of the 57 states, I'm not sure which.

But I find it continually laughable. There's Obama up in New Hampshire talking about the inequities of people who work on the factory floor versus the factory owner. And there are fewer people on the factory floor because of Obama. And that point can't be made enough. The reason that there are fewer people on the factory floor, the reason there are fewer people working, period, is because of Obama. Obama's killing factory jobs. He's killing every kind of job this country has. He's killing energy jobs. He's killing jobs for Boeing. He's killing retail jobs. He's investing in phony industries that do not create any jobs, slush funds, Solyndra. Robert Kennedy Jr. got $1.4 billion from the federal government for his green energy company, and none of these green energy companies produce any jobs.

My Schedule of Regular Posts:
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday throughout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties

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