Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Being A Slut is Something Not to Be Proud of

I checked out the Ms Magazine blog today,

One of the posts is on the Limbaugh/Fluke controversy. And of course they are spinning it this way:
In many ways, the public furor over Limbaugh’s slut-shaming of Fluke demonstrates that, once again, women will not let him get away with it. But it bothers me that so many of our responses–from #boycottrushlimbaugh Twitter trends to President Obama calling Fluke to show his support–are based on the premise that to be called a “slut” is inherently to be shamed. It bothers me that, despite all the efforts of the sexual revolution and women’s liberation–which have enabled women to avoid the stigma of having sex outside of marriage, having children outside of marriage or having sex beyond the confines of heterosexuality–that some hate-monger can just say, “You’re a slut” and a public meltdown ensues.

This suggests that women’s sexual egos are still fragile, but in a woman-hating society this should come as no surprise. In a sexually evolved world in which a woman proudly proclaims her enjoyment of sex, of kink, of polyamory, or even basic monogamy, the sex-positive woman should be able to respond to the “you’re a slut” woman-hater a number of ways.

In other words, according to this author, being a slut is nothing to be ashamed of.

I'm sorry - there's everything to be ashamed of.

The problem, as I see it, is that it is only "loose women" who are called sluts. That's the double standard. I'd have to call Tiger Woods a slut too. Yes, he was picking up the tab for all of the 23 women he was seeing in addition to his wife, but he was also having indiscriminate sex, apparently without a condom. How dangerous is that????? No he can't get pregnant but he sure as heck can get STDs.

All the male basketball players who have 4 to 9 or more children - from 4 to 9 different mothers - they are sluts too.

Let's not stop "slut-shaming" - let's just make sure that guys get their equal share of that title.

There should be no double standard. Guys who engage in indiscriminate sex are as bad as women who do so. The only difference is that it's the women who get pregnant, have kids, and thus increase the welfare burden on the rest of us since their "baby daddies" have no intention of paying for or raising their own children.

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