Thursday, March 24, 2011

Why Do They Film a President Walking Around the WHite House Grounds?

I really dont' understand the newscorps. I read the schedules for the President and the Vice President and the Secretary of State and her diplomatic corps (and it makes for some pretty interesting reading so I hope all my readers out there are reading those posts too!)

They always have pool sprays at every second of every event, from when,for example, Obama leaves the White House to go to an airplane, at the airplane, probably inside the airplane, debarking on the other end, in his limousine, at the hotel, ya da ya da.

They even apparently have cameras following him around the White House so they can take pictures of him trying to get in through a locked French window.

Why doesn't he have a key?
RUSH: Well, I see Obama's visiting the United States again, at least this week. That's very nice. He's been gone so much he couldn't get into the Oval Office, did you see this? They locked him out. He's walking around the Rose Garden entrance trying to get in a couple doors. No, seriously, he's locked out and the excuse given was they didn't know he was coming in. How do you not know that the president is not coming in? Jeez.


RUSH: Now, folks, this business of Obama being locked out of the Oval Office, there is a precedent. Remember the esteemed, (ahem), the renowned Harvard professor Skip Gates returned home from Burger King or someplace and was locked out of his own house and was slinking around trying to get in there? An ever-observant Cambridge neighbor saw it, called the cops. The cop walked in, essentially arrested Gates, and we needed a "beer summit" to sort this all out. (chuckles) So it's just a good thing... Obama's not been in the country much lately. It's a good thing he was recognized. Can you imagine if the president of the United States had been arrested trying to get into the Oval Office? He didn't have a key, obviously. Can you imagine what woulda happened? They had to run around and had to find out, "Well, who locked him out of here?" And wouldn't it have been hilarious if it had been Biden? (chuckles)

In the interests of Order and Method: My Schedule of Regular Posts
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday througout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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