Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Obama's taking another vacation? No

Rush, in the quote below, says that Obama is taking a Rio vacation. He isn't. He's going to visit Brazil, Chile and El Salvador to try to foster economic relations with those countries.

Now, his wife and children are going with him too. So they'll be on vacation. But not Obama.

(Yes, I'm being ironic in the above sentence. If this were a business trip, designed to do business with Brazil, Chile and El Salvador to help the American enconomy, wh's he bringing his kids? And his wife? Will she be telling the citizens of those countries what to be eating, one wonders? If not, why is she going?)
RUSH: Jay Carney (the one guy in Washington who wishes he had said "no" when the job offer was made, is no doubt Jay Carney) is the White House press secretary. NBC White House correspondent Mike Viqueira asked, "Any thought to postponing the Latin-American trip?" This is the Rio vacation this weekend. NBC didn't want to characterize it as that but we will. Any chance Obama will postpone the vacation to Rio this weekend?

CARNEY: We are... uh... We still very much plan to -- t-to take the trip. I -- I -- I just want to emphasize with all... We are leaving on schedule on -- on -- on Friday. The... It bears repeating that this is a crisis, there is no question about it, and it is a crisis in Japan. It is not a crisis in the United States.

RUSH: All right, it's Japan's crisis; it's not Obama's crisis. We're going to Rio!

Let Bush say it! (laughing)

It's a crisis. There's no question about it. It's a crisis in Japan, not a crisis in the US. We're going to Rio! Jay Carney. (laughing)

You remember Rahm Emanuel, "Never let a crisis go to waste"? Everybody remembers that. We saw that mentality after that horrible incident in Tucson, when the left immediately turned that into a political platform to condemn conservatives, including yours truly, and we may see it again in this crisis in Japan. Some liberals in Congress are pointing to this terrible and tragic situation, using it for political leverage to advance their own anti-nuclear agenda. Ed Markey (Democrat-Massachusetts) even called for a moratorium on all new nuclear reactors. Our good buddies at the Heritage Foundation have an opinion on this. It's posted at It's there for you to read and get their analysis.

They say that this agenda's wrong, of course, not to mention harmful to our energy supply. Doing so would just be a huge blunder, as big a blunder is when the regime put a moratorium on offshore drilling after the Deepwater Horizon explosion. But that's what Obama does. Every event is turned into an attempt to advance their political agenda. That's why he's going to Rio! Mission accomplished! "Nuclear problems? Problem solved in America. I don't have to worry about trying to placate anybody by making 'em think I actually am for nuclear. Call up my buddy, Ed Markey; get Ed Markey to start running down the business, and that's it, and in the meanwhile I go to Rio and hope that Gisele Bundchen is still there."

Crises are terrible time to make policy. That's what Obama's doing. It's just not appropriate given the lack of information we have. It's unseemly to use these crises for political gain.

In the interests of Order and Method: My Schedule of Regular Posts
*Monday through Friday morning - schedules of President, VP and Secretary of State and her diplomats
*Monday through Friday afternoon - List of topics Limbaugh discussed on his program that day
*Monday through Friday througout the day - My posts on anything that I feel like talking about. At least one or two a day, sometimes more.
*Saturday through Sunday morning - An addition to my booklist of political books - covering Democrats, Republicans and other interested parties.

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